Monday, 11 March 2013


1. What did you like about the film opening ?
2. How did you find out about the film ?
3. Where did you watch it first ?
4. What was your initial response to it ?
5. Overall did you like it ?
INTERVIEW REVIEW:  I decided to interview a media student in "in class" when we were carrying out our group pitch. One of the reasons I decided to interview someone that wasnt our initial idea of a target audience to see if out film opening was able to attract other audiences that are outside the target audience that we - as a group were aiming for. By watching this quick interview you can see that she enjoyed the film and she "really liked it".

The rough cut feedback was helpful. we understood what we needed to do to do the best of our ability.

Our final film opening is on Vimeo for everyone to see. i hope this will attract more people into our work. loads of people our interested in the film because of the film opening and the twist at the end.

I created a private or 'secret' facebook group page that updates people on our progress. like the blog but just writing and no exploration in media. this is a facebook group page that allowed people to stay updated with the editing part of the filming however the video was unable to be uploaded to the profile due to some error's on the other hand the lead up to the uploading of the film was satisfactory due to the ammount of people that had anticipated the arrival of this video due to the storyline/plot that attracts the audience to its type of film opening the main way that the target audience of our thriller was updated was from our blog (group 32) some watched the progress while some just wanted to watch the video and enjoyed the different media used to present are findings and research projects like our preliminary film.
i recently uploaded the film opening 'BLOODLINE' to youtube. So far the views are going up however the problem with sharing on youtube was that there are some errors so the video came out glitchy. This has opened up another option for the audience to have a chance to watch the Thriller from the comfort of their home. This is really useful because in a modern society of today young teens and the target audience like to watch movies online due to the expenses of the cinema. Cinema's are more of a outing and research shows that no one goes to the cinema alone only the minority. 

The twitter account was created before when we started the project and kept updating on the different things we were doing. Most media students followed and other random people that were curious about the film. Tweeted people, tweeted plots and schedules of filming in most tweets.

Target Audience FEEDBACK

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