Monday, 11 March 2013


Certain stereotypes and representations serve the interests of dominant groups in society is basic to the concept of ideology. Ideology is basically the idea that social groups do not have the same amount of power in society - because of the lack of power over resources. KARL MARX was the first to discover this concept: ideas in society are used to maintain social relationships based on inequalities. So the ruling ideas are the ideas of people in power and serve to keep them in power. Common ideas in society that we assume to be 'normal' are for example: Gangs of youths in hoodies are always up to no good.

STERYOTYPES are often related to power imbalances in society. Sterotype in the media can often be negative and serve a perpetuate stereotype within our society.
*IMPORTANT* : The Media often say that sterotypes are used in TV and Newspapers because they are instantly understood by the audience.

Age - The age of actors we decided was to have them at aged 20 or above this is because men at this age are observant and active before an old age. The plot is about a MOB gang that has been running the area for a long time so we wanted to reflect that in the characters and members. We couldn't have young teens in it because it would make the MOB idea more of a amateur gang.

The Social Class - the characters are workers (middle class) not too poor. They are able to work with the MOB and gain money. We represent the characters like the MOB leader to wearing a tie and shirt often worn by business men - white & black colours: simple and formal. On average men around their 20 should atleast have a job in the UK.

Sexuality is not really considered in a male dominated film that include hard hitting action and fast pace drama/thriller. So we didn't consider this but there was none shown its just all straight men.

Ethnicity - the MOB boss was black and so was the hitman assigned to kill an asian man and his family. This is represented to the audience as not about race but more about the motives of the individuals. The hitmans motivation was money. The MOB bosses motivation was to show authority and power and the asian man's motivation was revenge. The fact it was two black males against an asian was just done purely by chance of are group. We decided to only limit our selves to having reliable characters within the group to be the characters for the film.

We represented the BINARY OPPOSITION as a strong distinguished position of a Killer & Victim. If the film was actually to be created then a classic Hero & Villain.

We have decided to represent 20 year old men as being thugs or in actual terms a Mobster - still at an old age or the 'peak' age for a man.

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