Monday, 11 March 2013

EVALUATION - Question 5

As a whole, all the aspects of our opening attract a male dominated audience.

However, what are the aspects that attract this audience?

To start of with, interpretations can be gathered simply from the title. Bloodline is a word that holds a sense of danger, as the word blood suggests anger, love, hatred and revenge. At first sight, a female would not be drawn towards the title as much as a male would. Whilst choosing the name of the title, we asked male and female audiences as to their view on the title name. More positive feedback came from the male audience rather than the female audience.

Mis-en-scene - The mis-en-scene is one aspect that attracts the target audience. For example, what we see as an audience is someone being followed. It is continuous throughout almost the whole opening. The vulnerable atmosphere that it creates gives implications of a male audience, which was our target.

Actors - The actors are strong, tall and hard on characters. There are three males, all containing negative and mysterious appearances. From the crime boss (highest power) to the victim (lowest power), we were able to range the the statuses  of the characters so that the film is not biased in the sense of its actual storyline. (crime based). the majority of male actors mean that the audience would also have majority of males, relating to the attitudes and values that a teenager or adult would have.

Storyline - The story line is quite complex, especially in the opening of the film. In the opening, the contract killer is killed by the person who he was meant to kill. This twist engages the audience because action and crime start from the beginning of the film, giving a sense that the rest of the story line will hold similar situations. Crime thrillers and action thrillers consist of a large male audience. The story line uses these type of functions to create a story line that would attract this audience from the very beginning of the film. 

Genre and Location - The crime/action thriller genre is known to have a wide male audience from various ages. however, some crime/action films, such as Scarface are films that have a global audiences. Our film opening differs, as an urban location changes the way audiences would think about the film, due to the reality it brings. Films like Scarface are legendary films in the genre, but our production are on similar levels as productions such as top boy which had a large audience within urban communities.

Sound - The sound is loud, mixed with natural sounds and a drum bass musical. The types of sounds are similar to the sounds that most thrillers have which is taunting. The Foley sound of gun shots are also loud, as the music and heartbeat Foley sound all lead up to the shooting moment. This takes away a huge number of the female audience, but engaging a large number of male audiences as the thrilling sound suggests a sense of action and crime through the atmosphere given.

When we started of or editing for our production, we made a rough cut so we were able to show our intended audience what they will see from our opening. We got feedback before the final cut, so as a group we could gain more ideas as to what the audience would want to see and hear. Negative feedback was intended from the audience so we could use the criticisms to create a better, sharper video through our editing.
When we viewed the rough cut to our audience, we got a lot of negative feedback as well as positive feed back. For example, the positive feedback was commonly based around the mis-en-scene (a person being followed). However, negative feedback consisted around the editing and camera work. Most editing, such as cuts from one scene to another were changed after the feedback because they were either too long or too short. Also, some shots were blurred or were taken wrong, meaning that we had to travel back to our location to improve these things.
To reach our audience with our final production, we had to release our film opening. it was released in the cinema were there was a large number in the audience. They may have seen our promotion on our Bloodline FaceBook page, were previews and pictures of our production were posted. After the release in the cinema, it was put onto Youtube and Vimeo, two networks that allowed us to upload the video for free. With our low budget, DVD and Blu-ray could not be used for our film, so online networking were the easiest and cheapest way to promote out video. 

interview from a member from the teenage male audience
interview from a member of the teenage male 

interview from a female audience member  
to get feedback and  a non-biased response

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