Monday, 3 December 2012

Research - Conventions of film openings

Conventions of film openings:

  • Titles: The first title we see is usually the producer id. we then usually see the title of the director, then the name of the stars, then the name of the film and then the rest of the cast. however in some circumstances the order may vary depending on who's more famous/important. The titles either appear over  the moving image or on a plain background separate to the video - usually a black background. 
  • Special effects: We see special effects to do with the font of the titles, the editing of certain scenes or cuts with transitions such as fades.
  • Sound: The sounds we usually hear are scary, atmospheric, mysterious and eerie to build up tension. The sounds we here may also just be music which is a part of the soundtrack. We may also hear some narration which could give an insight into either the film or characters/a character. Sound effects such as slamming noises or banging noises may also be used to create a certain atmosphere for the film.
  • Throughout the opening, scenes/clips of the film may be show. These are usually teasers to the storyline which give an insight to the characters, location or narrative but don't give anything away
This is a screen shot from the opening of the film 'pelican brief'. 
This is the first shot of the opening scene and as you can see it's following the conventions as the first thing you get to see is the title of the producer identification. 
The title also appears over of the moving image

These are screen shots from the opening of "deja vu". as you cam see the titles follow the conventions as they are
shown on a separate background from the moving image. in this case it is on a black background.

Aslo, these are the first titles you see, and they are of the producer id.

This is the video of the opening of "deja Vu"

This is the video of the opening of "pelican Brief"

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